
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Contribution for management

Management (or managing) is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a not-for-profit organization, or government body. Management includes the activities of setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating the efforts of the employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish its objectives through the application of available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources.
Social scientists study management as a academic discipline, investigating areas such as social organization and organizational leadership. In this era management is all we need, to manage something we need some knowledge about it, some people learn it from their college to make themselves good at management, they study so hard to pass the test and they can enter university that they want. One of the best university in indonesia is state university of jakarta, one of the most favorite study program on there is management, a lot of people compete with another to get study in there, is a fortune to all the people that can enter state university in jakarta, because many student failed the test.

So how to make study program management to be a better than before? All we need is our contribution to make this program study to be the best of all in Indonesia, so what kind of contribution that we can do to make this program study be the best of all? after we know what is and what for management are, to change state of affairs we have to change ourselves first, we need to change ourselves to be a good and  have a certain quality, how we do that? All we have to do is self managing, we should be able to manage our emotions, our time, and etc.

After we can managing ourselves, our life can be more directed, besides that we have to change our bad habbits to good habbits, we have to have some good characters to make ourselves have a certain quality such as patient, creative, discipline, responsibility, never give up to anything, hard working and etc and one more important thing to be a smart person is we have to study hard, we have to be a person that like to read many books, because books is world’s window. When we own all of that we can be able to have a certain quality. After we can control or manage ourselves, we can help other people to manage themselves, so our existence can be adavantageous for the others, not only for ouself.

To make this program study management better too, we have to make a place where the collegers can express their aspiration and their idea that called organization, colleger’s organization is organization that the member are collegers, this organization can helps the collegers accommodate their talents, interests, and their potency, besides that we have to make association that can help the collegers to share their’s thoughts with each other, so it can helps them to make themselves open minded.

We all know that program study management in state university of jakarta have so many non-academic achievments, but not with the academic, we have academic achievments too but not much as the non-academic achievments, so to make this balance we have to do something, we have to make a mentoring class, this mentoring class’s member are the collegers that have some potential and want to envolve it called ‘student’ and the collegers that have some good knowledge and want to share it called ‘teacher’, after we get the ‘teacher’ and the ‘student’, next is we have to  make the schedule to start studying together with the ‘teacher’, to search the place that called ‘class’ we can study around state university of jakarta, and  to appreciate the ‘teacher’ the ‘student’ have to give the ‘teacher’ reciprocal like ‘wage’, every Saturday or their free time the ‘student’ have to sacrifice their time to make a money by  selling some goods or things to give their teacher ‘wage’, so in this mentoring class both the ‘teacher’ and the ‘student’ have the profit, the ‘teacher’ have extra money, and the ‘student’ have extra knowledge, so i hope if we make this mentoring class, the ‘students’ can attend some competition and bringing back the trophy, so we can show that not only in the non academic, but in academic too we good at that.

Program study management must have collegers that have solidarity, solidarity is important for us too, so to make solidarity around the collegers we have to do something too, like make an event once a week, in this event there is some games, party, and etc. Beside to increase solidarity, this event can make the collegers free from stressed, mind burden, and etc, to make this event goes well, i will make some committe to keep an eye on this event, so it wil decrease bad incident that can happen anytime and anywhere.

To all collegers, they must have religious personality too, this is the most important thing that should the collegers have, because when we have religious personality we will free from make a mistake, because we bound by religious rules. When we make a mistake we will get the sin, and when we do a good thing we will get the reward, to increase our adherence, i will do some mentoring class too, but different with mentorimg class that i had tell before, this mentoring class have some activites like read scripture and get the hang of it, commit Al-Quran to memory (for muslims), and etc. This mentoring class can be called ‘religious mentoring class’. This class divided into several class in accordance with their respective religions.  There are also an event that called humanity event, this event tasked with finding funds, that the funds finally will submitted to all the people that need it, this event held once a month, i hope with this religious mentoring class and the humanity event can awaken our religious personality and our humanity’s soul.

In addition when we make an event, an activity, or an organization we have to ask an approval, so the event, activity or organization can go well

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tutorial Photoshop Membuat Efek Api

1.       Aktifkan program photoshop dan tekan huruf “D” pada keyboard untuk mereset warna foreground dan background menjadi warna hitam putih.
2.       Tekan huruf”X” untuk menukar posisi kedua warna tersebut sehinggawarna foreground menjadi putih dan warna backgroun menjadi hitam.
3.       Buka dokumen baru dengan mengklik menu file>New...pada kotak dialog new, buatlah pengaturan sebagai berikut:
·         Name : efek api
·         Width : 400 pixel
·         Height : 400pixel
·         Mode: grayscale
·         Content : background color
Klik tombol ok untuk membuat dokumen baru.
4.       Pilih type tool pada toolbox. Pada option bar, gunakan pengaturan sebagai berikut:
·         Font: arial black
·         Type :regular
·         Size:15,5 pt
·         (biarkan opsi yang lainnya tetap)
5.       Tuliskan teks HOTNEWS pada area kerja.
6.       Pilih move tool pada toolbpx dan pindahkan teks agak ke bawah.
7.       Pilih menu layer>flatten image untuk menyatukan semua layer yang ada menjadi layer tunggal.
8.       Pilih menu image>rotate canvas>90 derajat ccw untuk memutar kanvas berlawanan arah jarum jam.
9.       Pilih menu image>adjustments>invert..
10.   Pilih menu filter > stylize> wind.. untuk memberikan efek tiupan angin. Pada kotak dialog wind, buatlah pengaturan sebagai berikut:
·         Method: wind
·         Direction: from the right
·         Klik tombol ok untuk melihat hasilnya.
11.   Pilih menu image>adjustments>invert...
12.   Pilih menu filter>stylize>wind.. untuk memberikan efek wind yang kedua.
Pada kotak dialog wind, buatlah pengaturan sebagai berikut:
·         Method: wind
·         Direction: from the right
·         Klik tombol ok untuk melihat hasilnya
13.   Pilih menu filter > wind untuk memberikan efek wind dengan pengaturan yang sama.
14.   Sekali lagi pilih menu filter > wind
15.   Pilih menu image>rotate canvas>90 derajat cw untuk mengembalikan posisi canvas seperti semula.
16.   Pilih menu filter>disort>ripple.. untuk memberikan efek riak atau bergelombang, pada kotak ripple buat pengaturan sebagai berikut:
·         Amount: 80
·         Size: medium
·         Klik tombol ok
17.   Pilih menu image>mode>indexed color untuk mengubah mode grayscale ke mode warna berindex.
18.   Pilih menu image>mode>color table...
19.   Pada kotak dialog color table, pilih table:black body
20.   Simpanlah hasil dengan nama yang kalian inginkan.

Friday, January 30, 2015

pengalaman pertama kali masuk SMP

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb....
Tak terasa gw udah mengakhiri masa SD, dan naik ke SMP, pertama-tama gw bingung mau masuk SMP mana, niat gw sih pingin masuk SMP Negeri 1 tapi kedua orang tua, pengen gw sekolah di SMP Regina Pacis, yaudah deh  ngikutin keinginan orang tua ,karena gw yakin pilihan orang tua selalu yang terbaik. Pada waktu itu gw mulai ikut tes untuk masuk SMP Regina Pacis dan ternyata diterima, sewaktu itu gw masuk kelas 7F pengalaman waktu di kelas 7F banyak banget, peertama-tama gw malu buat kenalan dengan yang lain soalnya dulu gw pemalu banget dan susah beradaptasi, pokoknya dikelas ini gw benar-benar gak bisa beradaptasi dan SUSAH BANGET diajak ngobrol, 1 tahun berakhir dan gw naik ke kelas 8, sewaktu kelas 8 gw masuk 8A (kelas sementara) di kelas ini anaknya pada kocak semua, terus gak lama kemudia gw pindah ke kelas 8D di sini gw masih pemalu, belum berani ngomong dan gak percaya diri, nah di sini tiba-tiba ada anak cowok yang namanya yatama ngajak ngobrol gitu kek jb” ke gw wkwkwk nah semenjak di ajak ngobrol sama si yatama ini gw mulai berani ngomong sama orang dan mulai percaya diri lah walaupun mash sedikit, di sini gw mulai punya banyak temen, nah di kelas ini juga gw diajari yang namanya ILMU PENGETAHUAN YANG..... ahhhh pokoknya ilmu yang menjijikan, gw diajarin ilmu ini sama anak-anak cowok yang ada di 8D salah satunya si yatama waakka, nah awal dari situ gw mulai nyesel diajarin ilmu itu, terus 1 tahun kemudia gw naik ke kelas 9C nah disini gw bisa percaya dirii dan bangkit jadi diri gw yang sebenarnya wess..... emang sih ada beberapa yang benci sama gw di kelas ini tapi WHO CARES??? Wkwwk gpp lah itu hak orang mau benci kek mau gak, terserah mereka, disini gw mulai punya sahabat namanya Redi sama Febri, orangnya ngakak semua, nah gw nyaman banget kalo sama mereka walaupun  kadang-kadang mereka nyebelin wakakak, di kelas 9 gw mulai berani diajak nonton, terus nyebux, jalan-jalan, dakwah dll.wakakka Soalnya dulu gw belum pernah berani buat ke mall atau ketempat keramaian gitu, karna waktu itu mmh pernah bilang “awas hati-hati di tempat keramain itu suka ada penculik” jadi dulu gw jarang ke mall sendiri palingan sama mmh, nah pokoknya selama masuk sekolah ini gw dapet banyak banget pelajaran yang bisa ngebuat gw lebih percaya diri dan pengen banget gapai cita-cita gw buat jadi penyanyi wkwkkw canda atuh, pokoknya biar bisa jadi manusia yang berguna bagi bangsa dan negara wesss...

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.....

Sunday, April 13, 2014

panata acara tema perpisahan

 Nga-mc euy

Wilujeung enjing para hadirin sadayana....
Bapa miwah ibu, hadirin sadaya hormateun sim kuring! Langkung tipayun sumangga urang nyanggakeun puji sareng syukur ka gusti nu maha suci. Puji syukur ku rahmat sareng inayah manten-Na, dina danget ieu urang sadaya dipaparin kasehatan sareng kakiatan, dugi ka tiasa kempel ngariung di ieu patempatan, dina raraga nyakseni acara paturay tineung sareng ngajurung laku ka siswa-siswi kelas tilu anu parantos lulus ti ieu sakola, sateuacan dilangsungna ieu acara sumangga ka ibu rini anu mingpin doa nu tujuanna sangkan ieu acara mung sing lancar....
Wilujeung enjing bapa miwah ibu, hadirin sadaya, sateuacan ieu acara dilangsungken, urang sadayana nyanggakeun doa, doa dimulai
(rengse doa)
Hatur nuhun ka ibu rini anu mingpin doa dina acara ieu jeung hatur sewu nuhun ka bapa miwah ibu, kalih hadirin sadaya anu parantos kersa rurumpaheun sumping ngaluuhan ieu acara. Pamugi ieu silaturrahmi teh sing nyandak barokah sareng aya dina rido gusti nu maha ageung. Amin
Hadirin anu sami lenggah!                                                                                                                                          Acara paturuy tineung, anu bade dituruykeun nyaeta :
1.       Kecap panganteur ti kapala sakola Smp Regina Pacis
2.       Kecap Panganteur ti perwakilan kelas 9
3.       Pinton seni
4.       Pentas kaulinan Biola ku kevin yatama ti kelas dalapan  
5.       Pentas tari ku sekar kedaton ti kelas tujuh
6.       Pinton seni pidato ku sevita satya ti kelas salapan
7.       Pinton seni nyanyi ku nathaniel ian ti kelas dalapan
8.       Games
9.       Nembangkeun lagu mars Regina Pacis
10.   Masihan panghargaan
11.   Panutup doa
12.   panutup
Ayeuna samuhun dipersilahkeun ka ibu kapala sakola Smp Regina Pacis anu bade nyanggakeun sapotong kecap anu bade dihaturkeun mugi-mugi anu dihaturkeun ka urang sararea sing bisa boga mangpaatna, silahkan ibu
Hatur nuhun ka sekar jeung hadirin anak-anak ibu nu kacinta....                                                                    puji syukur ka hadirat gusti nu ageung, urang sararea kumpul didieu jeung mieling perpisahan kelas salapan, mugi-mugi kelas salapan kapayuna leuwih hade kalakuanna jeung hade dina sagala rupi samuhun kitu bae ti ibu, lain ti kelas salapan wae tapi sadayana murid-murid ibu  nu kacinta, amin...
(sadayana ngeprok panangan)
Hatur nuhun ka ibu kapala sakola ayeuna di lanjutkeun ka perwakilan kelas salapan anu bade nyarios atawa bade disampaikeun ka saderek urang didieu sumangga naik ka luhur panggung
hadirin sadaya anu kusimkuring dipihormat, nuhunkeun waktosna kanggo abdi anu ngawakilan rerencangan kanggo nyampeikeun amanat dina raraga acara perpisahan kelas salapan.
Henteu karaos parantos genep taun urang aya didieu. Nu mana ayeuna puncak saleresna urang sadaya bakal papisah ti sakola ieu. Henteu hilaf abdi ngawakilan rerencangan ngahaturkeun rewu nuhun laksaketi kabingahan ka bapa sareng ibu guru anu mana tos ngajarkeun ka abdi sadaya loba hal. Mugia naon anu diajarkeun ku bapa guru sareng ibu guru ka urang sadaya tiasa dimanfaatkeun ka nu hal positif sareng aya manfaatna kanggo nusa, bangsa sareng agama. Mugi-mugi amal kasaean manah bapa miwah ibu guru kenging walesan ti Allah SWT. Amin.
Sakitu ti abdi anu ngawakilan rerencangan sadaya. Kirang lebihna neda dihapunten. Nu mana kasalahan mah milik abdi sareng kaleuwihan mah datang ti gusti nu agung.
Hatur nuhun ka ka sodara yatama mugi-mugi bermangpaat bagi urang sarerea, abdi teu hilap oge hatur sewu nuhun ka pupuhu panitia, kersana bapa nugroho jeung pak julius anu parantos ngadugikeun biantara laporanana. Salajengna urang sambung ka pinton seni, sumangga supados naek ka panggung kevin yatama
(rengse pinton seni kaulinan biola ku kevin yatama kelas dalapan)
Alunan biola anu endah nu dihaturkeun ku sodara kevin yatama keuna kana hate sanubari, hatur nuhun ka sodaa kevin yatama, ayeuna  penampilan anu kadua nyaeta ti kelas tujuh anu rek nampilkeun  pinton seni tari jaipong, sumangga sodara sekar naek ka luhur panggung
(rengse pinton seni tari jaipong ku kevin yatama kelas dalapan)
Gerakan anu kayungyun jeung endah nu dihaturkeun ku sodara sekar, hatur nuhun ka sodara sekar ayeuna disambung ku pinton seni pidato ku sodara sevita kelas salapan
(rengse pinton seni pidato ku sodara evita ti kelas salapan )
Kata-kata nu endah nu di haturkeun ku soadra sevita ngeunaan hate, hatur nuhun ka sodara sevita, ayeuna penampilan terakhir pinton seni nyanyi ku sodara nathaniel ian ti kelas dalapan
(rengse pinton seni nyanyi ku sodara nathaniel ian ti kelas dalapan)
Sora emas jeung indah nu dibogaan ku ian ieu ngenaan hate urang sararea,tapi mana sora para hadirin nu didieu naha barosen ieu teh? meuni jempling kieu, nah  ayeuna abdi bade ngayakeun games ameh careria, sumangetna balik, sok atuh urang mulai nya
(rengse games)
Nah sakedap deui urang asup ka panutup teu karasa nya geus asup ka panutup, hadirin, minangka tawis syukur, sumangga urang pada tumungkul ngabandungan hariring lagu mars Regina pacis anu bade dipintonkeun ku kelompok paduan suara. Saparantosna hariring mars Regna pacis, ieu acara bade teras ka masihan pangargaan ka kelas salapan ku kapala sakola Smp Regina Pacis, sumangga kelompok paduan suara dihaturanan
(rengse nembangkeun lagu mars regina pacis jeung masihan panghargaan)
Hatur nuhun ka ibu kapala sakola nu atos masihan panghargaan ka kelas salapan, ayeuna disambung ka panutup doa nu di pingpin ku pak julius, sumangga pak julius dihaturan
(rengse doa)
Bapak miwah ibu, kalih hadirin sadaya anu sami rawuh! Puji tuhan acara demi acara parantos lekasan, ti sim kuring, rupina sakitu nu kapihatur. Hapunteun bilih aya basa anu kirang merenah. Bobo sapanon carang sapakan, luhur saur bahe carek, mugia kersa ngahapunten
(acara rengse)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tips Rasulullah Agar Tahan Puasa


Berpuasa di bulan ramadhan merupakan sebuah kewajiban bagi umat muslim yang sudah akil balig atau istilah umumnya cukup umur. Berpuasa berarti menahan lapar dan haus serta menahan hawa nafsu sejak terbit fajar hingga terbenamnya matahari.

Menunaikan ibadah puasa tentu harus diimbangi dengan kondisi fisik yang sehat, agar puasa dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna sampai tiba saatnya berbuka. Dibawah ini adalah tips dari sang teladan Rasulullah SAW agar kita kuat menjalankan puasa.


1.  Mengakhirkan Sahur dan Menyegerakan Berbuka

Pertama, hendaklah kita mengakhirkan waktu sahur dan menyegerakan waktu berbuka. Rasulullah bersabda: “Makan sahurlah kalian, karena pada makan sahur itu terdapat keberkahan.” (HR. Muslim)

Zaid bin Tsabit berkata, “Kami pernah makan sahur bersama Rasulullah saw. Kemudian kami melaksanakan shalat. Kemudian saya bertanya: Berapa lamakah waktu antara keduanya (antara makan sahur dengan salat)? Rasulullah  menjawab: Selama bacaan lima puluh ayat.” (HR. Shahih)

Rasulullah juga menganjurkan kita untuk menyegerakan berbuka. Rasulullah bersabda, “Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla berfirman: Hamba-hamba-Ku yang paling Aku cintai adalah mereka yang paling menyegerakan berbuka.” (HR. Tirmidzi)

Sebagai contoh, jika adzan Subuh jam 4.30 dan adzan Maghrib jam 18.00, maka berhenti makan sahur atau buka puasa jangan lebih dari 50 ayat (sekitar 5 menit) sehingga kita hanya menahan lapar dan haus selama 13 jam 40 menit saja.


2. Makan Kurma dan Madu Saat Sahur dan Berbuka

Agar kuat berpuasa, kita bisa makan 3 butir kurma dan 2 sendok makan madu setelah makan sahur (setelah makan nasi dan lauk tentunya). Begitu pula ketika berbuka puasa. Minumlah air secukupnya (minimal 3 gelas) agar anda tidak dehidrasi.


Dari Sulaiman Ibnu Amir Al-Dlobby bahwa Nabi SAW bersabda: “Apabila seseorang di antara kamu berbuka, hendaknya ia berbuka dengan kurma, jika tidak mendapatkannya, hendaknya ia berbuka dengan air karena air itu suci.” (HR. Imam Lima)

Kurma dan Madu mengandung kalori cukup tinggi dan bisa memberi energi yang cukup untuk beraktivitas. Selain itu, makanan 4 sehat dan 5 sempurna seperti buah-buahan juga jangan dilupakan,

“Kemudian makanlah dari tiap macam buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan bagimu. Dari perut lebah itu ke luar minuman madu yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia.” (QS. An Nahl: 69)


3. Tetap Berolahraga

Untuk menjaga kondisi badan, tetaplah berolahraga meski intensitasnya agak dikurangi. Jalan kaki atau lari pagi selama 30 menit bisa menjadi pilihan. Meski kita berkeringat, lelah, dan haus, setelah mandi pagi atau mandi sore insya Allah badan akan segar kembali. Kebersihan adalah sebagian dari iman. Oleh karena itu meski berpuasa, kita tetap boleh mandi pada waktu pagi dan petang selama tidak berlebihan.
Ibnu Mas’ud berkata, “Jika salah seorang di antara kamu berpuasa, maka hendaklah pada pagi harinya ia dalam keadaan berharum-haruman serta rambut yang tersisir rapi.”(HR Bukhari).

Dan berkaitan dengan kebersihan badan Ibnu Umar berkata, “Orang yang berpuasa boleh bersiwak (menggosok gigi) pada permulaan hari dan akhir hari (yakni pada pagi hari dan sore hari) dan tidak boleh menelan ludahnya.” (HR Bukhari)

Pertimbangkan juga untuk berolahraga 1 sampai 2 jam setelah shalat Tarawih, witir, dan membaca Al Qur’an. Jadi jika haus, kita bisa minum langsung.

Naskah Drama Si Pitung Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Naskah Drama Si Pitung Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Si Pitung jagoan betawi

In Batavia clashes between Batavia and the Netherlands, there was a young man (at the time), nicknamed the Pitung. He is a man who comes from Betawi Batavia he wants to defend from attack Belanda.Dan at that moment the Dutch groats with 3 daughters and two of his men. Go to foraging in the area of Batavia
Groats                  : "Let's fill the stomach at that traditional restaurant”
Mary                     : “let’s go “
 (at the traditional restaurant)
Groats                  : “give us some food please”
Father                   : “okay sir”
(then they eat the food to finish)
groats                   :”mary lets go home!”
father                   : “but sir,the food has not been paid”
Groats                  : ” how dare you ? did you know who i am?”
father                   : ” Sorry sir, but it's the rules”
Groats                  : ”Arghhhh..”( He was angrily and pounded the table)
father                   : ” Sorry sir” (With the face of fear)
(Pitung suddenly came up with emotion)
Pitung                   :” what happened in here?”
Groats                  : “You should not interfere”
Pitung                   : ” who are you? How dare you interfere my father and a resident here”
Groats                  : ” I was the one in power here”
Pitung                   : ”what? I can not listen to your message, hahaha)
Groats                  : ”how dare you? mamat finish him”
Mamat                 : “okay sir”
(fight begins, pitung was the winner)
father                   : ” thanks pitung  
pitung                   : ” it's nothing for me”
 (at home groats)
Mary                     : ”daddy what happen ?”
mamat                  : “we finished off by the Betawi people”
mary                      : ” who is he?”
mamat                  : ” i do not know, but people said his name was pitung he was whiz of betawi”
 (In the park they accidentally meet)
Mary                     : “hmmm,, the air is so fresh”
Pitung                   : “hey lady, what are you doing in here?”
Mary                     : ” im just walking around the park”
pitung                   : ” may i know what is your name??” (Thrusting his hands)
Mary                     : ”my name is mary, and you ?”
Pitung                   : “my name is pitung”
Mary                     : "Pitung, if you want to accompany the first to take a walk around the village?”
Pitung                   : “okay, lets go”
(Even they walk around and show a necklace, one trip at a time when men groats see them being a walk in the village)
 (at home groats)
Mamat                                 : “sir,mary was walking around the village without pitung!”
Groats                  : “what?!?!, Tell her to go home”
Mamat                                 : “okay sir”
(in the park)
mamat                  : “miss mary, your father Mr. Groats told me to Miss mary go home”
Mary                     : “What ? I do not want to go home.”
By forcing mary mamat forced return
Mary                     : “PITUUUUUUUUUUUUUNG !!!!!”
Pitung                   : “mary, I PROMISE that I will return you this necklace”
Meanwhile, at home Groats

Mary                     : “i hate you daddy, You never understand my feelings!”
Groats                  : “you talk a lot! go to room, NOW !!!”
Next day
Pitung                   : ” hey groats, come out!”
Groats                  : “what are you doing in here?”
Pitung                   : “What are you doing yesterday told your men forced Mary home?? What was the attitude of the GOOD FATHER!!? "
Groats                  : “arghh, you talk a lot”
Dudung              :” Pitung, let me try to finish him off”
 (fight begins, Dudung defeated by groats, because groats use a gun)
Pitung                   : ”how dare you?”
Pitung                   : ”where is mary ?!?!?!”
Groats                  : ” she is not here, get out from my house!”
(then, Pitung returned home after that, groats held a contest)

Groats                  : “hey you all, I will hold a contest for all of you who ever can capture pitung and bring him to me, for I would kill to get attractive prizes from me "
(at father’s traditional restaurant)
Maman                : “Come join the contest dung!”
Dudung                : “are you crazy? I didn’t want to join that contest, pitung is my best friend”
father                   : ” what did you say? whether the treatment you own against your friends?
Maman                : ” I'll do it for the sake of reward!!!
(maman and Dudung out,, Pitung’s father tell about it)
father                   : “piitung be carefull with maman, he had a plan to trap you by gift”
Pitung                   : “I do not believe that, mamat is my best friend”
father                   : pitung belive me, i do not lie(while pray with iwan)
( At home Groats )
Maman : " Groats ! ! ! ! "
Groats : " Heh you see who is in front of the house !"
mamat : " Ready Groats ! "
Mamat : " Ea ... What are you doing you on my Boss house ? ? "
Maman : " Uh ... do not be angry .... say this to your boss , I know where the Pitung and weaknesses"
mamat : "sir , said that people outside Pitung he knows where and what their weaknesses. "
Groats : "WHAT ? ? ? Come out ! "
Groats : " Hey, What do you know Pitung weakness ? ? ? "
Maman : " Wets wait , where the prize ? ? "
Groats : " Well OK, mamat get me a gift for him . "
mamat : " This is the prize . "
Groats : "Well , what Pitung weakness ? "
Maman : " Okay , he could die if he was shot with a golden bullet . "
Groats : " Owh , gold bullet huh ? ? ? OK OK , I'll try your suggestion of this . "
( home Pitung )
Groats : " mamat , catch and bring Pitung here ! ! ! "
mamat : "Yes sir !"
( Then they catch the Pitung )
Pitung : Release me ! ! ! What are you doing to bring me here ? " ( Wondering in an emotional state )
Groats : " Uh Pitung , because you 've made I get angry , I will KILL YOU with my hands , MWAHAHAHA ! ! ! "
Mary : " No dady NO !" ( As she wept and pleaded with her father not to kill Pitung )
Pitung : "Come on Mary you do not worry , I'm okay "
( Then Groats start cocked his gun and directed to Pitung )
Pitung : " Come shoot me "
( Then the first shot was Pitung can avoid And second shot can be arrested in his mouth )
Pitung : You do not know what this is ? It moves its name moves lizard catch its prey yeah
( Groats was upset and he quickly changed into a golden bullet pistol bullet , and he cocked the gun again and lead to the Pitung )
Groats : " Arghhh , Pitung YOU MUST DIE ! ! ! ! "
Mary : " NOOOOOOO , DAD ! ! ! ! ! "
( And finally the bullet hit right in the chest Pitung , then he fell to the ground , Mary ran to him , and spoke Pitung )
Pitung : " Mary , this necklace is yours " ( As I feel the pain that is very ill )
Shortly Pitung 're feeling pain , Dudung was very upset and he immediately took the gun 's in the bag and he immediately shot towards Groats .
Dudung : " Pitung ! ! ! ! ! Groats YOU MUST DIE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "
mary : " Pitung wake up ! ! ! ! ! You should not just leave me "
Dudung : "Yes , let's take it to the house . "
And finally thanks to the struggle of their Pitung all live peacefully and no more fights between the Netherlands and Batavia

(sekar kedaton)

maaf kalo ada kata - kata yang ngga bener, maklum masih belajar :)